//new learning_moveset .org 0x0803EB20 ldr r1, =new_move_first|1 bx r1 .org 0x0803EB84 .pool .org 0x0803EA10 ldr r1, =new_move_second|1 bx r1 .pool .org 0x08043CE8 ldr r2, =new_move_third|1 bx r2 .pool //end of new learning moveset //attack name table .org 0x08000148 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x080308A4 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x0804EF84 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x0806BE8C .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x0809B524 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x080BD830 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x080BFAA4 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x080CC914 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x080D764C .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x080D7EE0 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x080D8500 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x080E4E58 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x080E51F0 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x0810D9C0 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x081140F0 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x0811C5A8 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x0811C6E4 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x081256BC .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x08125948 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x08125A2C .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x08125BE4 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x08125CE0 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x08125FF8 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x0812606C .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x08126128 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x081261FC .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x0812627C .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x081267F0 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x08126880 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x08126E64 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x08131E14 .word str_move_name_0 .org 0x0813695C .word str_move_name_0 //end of attack name table //attack desc. table .org 0x080E5440 .word move_descriptions_array .org 0x08137BC8 .word move_descriptions_array //end of attack desc. table //move table //end of move table