_call_via_r0 equ 0x081E3BA8 _call_via_r1 equ 0x081E3BAC //Ipatix sound stuff .org 0x080007B4 .word 0x0203E000 // new PCM work area .org 0x081DD0B4 .word main_mixer // new mixer ROM location .word 0x03005F50 // new mixer RAM location (used for loading) .halfword mixer_size .halfword 0x400 // CpuSet, copy code by 32 bit units .word 0x0203E000 // new PCM work area .org 0x081DD0C8 // set correct sound driver operation mode // 12 channels at 26758 Hz samplerate .byte 0x00, 0xCC, 0x98, 0x00 .org 0x081DC094 .word 0x03005F50+1 // new mixer RAM location (used for branch) // repoint correctly to the new cry tables .org 0x080720C8 .include "patches/disable_cry_table_blocks.s" // cry-ID = poke-ID .org 0x08043304 LSL R0, R0, #0x10 LSR R0, R0, #0x10 BX LR // music overrides .org 0x0808064C // encounter music ([!] Box) song hook LDR R1, =mhk_intro_music_id_to_song|1 BL _call_via_r1 B 0x080806BA .pool .org 0x08044090 LDR R1, =mhk_current_map_music_set_default_for_battle|1 BX R1 .pool .org 0x080156FE // trainer victory music hook LDR R0, =mhk_trainer_battle_play_defeat|1 BL _call_via_r0 B 0x0801576E .pool .org 0x08021D46 // wild poke defeated BL _call_via_r0 .org 0x08021D94 .word mhk_wild_poke_def_music|1 .org 0x0807F9F8 LDR R1, =0x0807FA3E BL _call_via_r1 MOV R1, R0 B 0x0807FA3E .pool .org 0x080159D0 LDR R0, =mhk_fadeout|1 BL _call_via_r0 B 0x080159DC .pool //End of sound stuff //Don't know what thats all about... leaving it commented for now //.org 0x0800f268 // .halfword 0xE000 //Battle bg use new table .org 0x0800F2A0 .word battle_bg_table .org 0x0800F2E0 .word battle_bg_table .org 0x0800F320 .word battle_bg_table .org 0x0800F40E ldr r0, =battle_bg_hook|1 bx r0 lsl r0, #0 .pool .org 0x0800FD5C .word battle_bg_table .org 0x0800FD88 .word battle_bg_table //end of battle bg table //flag routine .org 0x0806E5D6 ldr r0, =flag_hook|1 bx r0 lsl r0, #0 .pool .org 0x0806E584 ldr r3, =var_set_hack|1 bx r3 .org 0x0806E680 ldr r1, =flag_set_hack|1 bx r1 .pool //end of flag routine //var routine .org 0x0806E45C ldr r0,=var_hook+1 bx r0 .pool //end of var routine //trainer Flag stuff .org 0x08080378 ldr r1, =trainerflag_read_fix+1 bx r1 .pool .org 0x080800B8 ldr r2, =trainerflag_opponent_fix+1 bx r2 .pool .org 0x08080424 ldr r1, =trainerflag_check_fix+1 bx r1 .pool .org 0x0808043c ldr r1, =trainerflag_set_fix+1 bx r1 .pool .org 0x08080450 ldr r1, =trainerflag_clear_fix+1 bx r1 .pool //end of trainer flag stuff //New behavior bytes for jumping .org 0x0806811A ldr r0,=jump_behavior|1 bx r0 .pool //behavior walk stuff .org 0x0806D720 ldr r0,=on_step|1 bx r0 .pool //end of new behavior bytes for jumping //transparent textboxes and mugshots .org 0x08069410 bx r0 .org 0x0806941C .word trans_activate|1 .org 0x08069504 bx r1 .org 0x0806950C .word trans_deactivate|1 .org 0x08150000 ldr r0, =pal_load_hook_2|1 bx r0 .pool .org 0x0815044A bx r1 .org 0x08150450 .word pal_load_hook|1 .org 0x0809CEB2 ldr r0, =trans_mug_close_fix+1 bx r0 lsl r0, #0 .pool //end of transparent textboxes and mugshots //saveblock routine start .org 0x080D9EDC ldr r0, =load_hijack|1 bx r0 .pool .org 0x080d991E bx r7 .org 0x080d995C .word store_hijack|1 .org 0x083FEC94 .include "patches/save_table/save_table.s" //end of saveblock routine //new battle script commands //replace tables .org 0x08014C1C .word bs_command_table .org 0x08015A28 .word bs_command_table .org 0x08015C6C .word bs_command_table .org 0x08015C98 .word bs_command_table .org 0x0801D054 .word bs_command_table //end of new battle script commands //move effect table .org 0x08016364 .word m_effect_table .org 0x08023328 .word m_effect_table .org 0x08025CF8 .word m_effect_table .org 0x08027464 .word m_effect_table .org 0x080297F0 .word m_effect_table .org 0x0802BE80 .word m_effect_table //end of move effect table //move limits .org 0x080D75FC .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0 //end of move limits //print string mod .org 0x080D77C0 bx r1 .org 0x080D77CC .word custom_print_string|1 //end of print string mod //new move animation table .org 0x080725d0 .word m_animation_table //end of new move animation table