EGG_HATCH_LEVEL EQU 1 EV_CAP EQU 252 PLAYER_S_X EQU 7 PLAYER_S_Y EQU 0x13 PLAYER_S_B EQU 5 PLAYER_S_M EQU 0 // Something // .org 0x080441D6 .byte 0x0 .org 0x08125AA8 .byte 0x0 // Change hatch level of new pokémon // .org 0x081375B0 .byte EGG_HATCH_LEVEL .org 0x08046CBE .byte EGG_HATCH_LEVEL .org 0x0804623E .byte EGG_HATCH_LEVEL // Something // .org 0x0805BA3A .word 0x00000000 // No flag check while in menu (moves) // .org 0x08124630 .halfword 0xE012 // Intro and Naming Hacking // .org 0x080EC5D0 //.word 0x08078915 .org 0x0800C4C8 //.word 0x0800C608 .org 0x08054A68 //.halfword 0x4C3C //.halfword 0x6820 //.halfword 0x4900 //.halfword 0xE001 //.word str_player_dummy_name .org 0x08054A7E //.halfword 0x4E34 .org 0x08054B3A //.word 0x00000000 .org 0x080439FC .byte EV_CAP .org 0x08043A02 .byte EV_CAP // Critical hit chance table // .org 0x08250530 .halfword 0x0010 .halfword 0x0008 .halfword 0x0002 .halfword 0x0001 .halfword 0x0001 .org 0x08080484 .word 0x00000000 .word 0x00000000 .org 0x08054A08 .byte 0x7 .org 0x08054A00 .byte 0x13 .org 0x08054A04 .byte 0x5 .org 0x08054A06 .byte 0x0 .org 0x0807F5EC .word scr_whiteout_mom .org 0x0807F5CC .word scr_whiteout_center .org 0x080BFD54 ldr r0, =whiteout_hook|1 bx r0 .pool