@Misc{CHINOSAUR:venue, author = {@\_CHINOSAUR}, key = {_CHINOSAUR}, howpublished = {Tweet}, title = {"VENUE IS TOO COLD" \#BINGO \#CHI2014}, month = {May}, day = 1, year = 2014, note = {Retrieved Febuary 2, 2015 from \url{https://twitter.com/_CHINOSAUR/status/461864317415989248}}, annote = {Tweet} } @misc{supermetroid:snes, Address = {Kyoto, Japan}, Author = {{Nintendo R\&D1} and {Intelligent Systems}}, Day = {18}, Howpublished = {Game [SNES]}, Month = {April}, Note = {Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan. Played August 2011.}, Publisher = {Nintendo}, Title = {\emph{Super Metroid}}, Year = {1994} } @inproceedings{Klemmer:2002:WSC:503376.503378, author = {Klemmer, Scott R. and Thomsen, Michael and Phelps-Goodman, Ethan and Lee, Robert and Landay, James A.}, title = {Where Do Web Sites Come from?: Capturing and Interacting with Design History}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}, series = {CHI '02}, year = 2002, isbn = {1-58113-453-3}, location = {Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA}, pages = {1--8}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/503376.503378}, doi = {10.1145/503376.503378}, acmid = 503378, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {CSCW, activity capture, design rationale, history management, informal interfaces, sketching, tangible UI, web design}, } @inproceedings{Mather:2000:MUT, title = {Making up titles for conference papers}, author = {Mather, B. D.}, booktitle = {Ext. Abstracts CHI 2000}, year = 2000, publisher = "ACM Press", pages = "1-2", } @book{Schwartz:1995:GBF, title = {Guidelines for Bias-Free Writing}, author = {Marilyn Schwartz}, address = {Bloomington, IN, USA}, year = 1995, publisher = {ERIC} } @inproceedings{Zellweger:2001:FAO:504216.504224, author = {Zellweger, Polle T. and Bouvin, Niels Olof and Jeh{\o}j, Henning and Mackinlay, Jock D.}, title = {Fluid annotations in an open world}, booktitle = {Proc. Hypertext 2001}, year = 2001, pages = {9--18}, publisher = {ACM Press}, } @misc{acm_categories, key = "ACM", author = {ACM}, title = {How to Classify Works Using ACM's Computing Classification System}, year = 1998, note = {\url{http://www.acm.org/class/how_to_use.html}}, } @Misc{cavender:writing, author = {Anna Cavender and Shari Trewin and Vicki Hanson}, title = {Accessible Writing Guide}, year = 2014, day = 22, note = {\url{http://www.sigaccess.org/welcome-to-sigaccess/resources/accessible-writing-guide/}}, annote = {URL} } @article{ethics, title = {{Social Impacts of Computing: Codes of Professional Ethics}}, author = {R. E. Anderson}, doi = "10.1177/089443939201000402", journal = "Social Science Computer Review December", year = 1992, volume = 10, number = 4, pages = "453-469" } @Misc{heilig:sensorama, author = {Morton L. Heilig}, title = {Sensorama Simulator}, howpublished = {U.S. Patent 3,050,870}, month = {August}, day = 28, year = 1962, note = {Filed Februrary 22, 1962.}, annote = {is this right?} }, @article{kaye:puc, year = 2014, issn = {1617-4909}, journal = {Personal and Ubiquitous Computing}, volume = 18, number = 4, doi = {10.1007/s00779-014-0773-4}, title = {Special issue on science fiction and ubiquitous computing}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00779-014-0773-4}, publisher = {Springer London}, author = {Kaye, Jofish and Dourish, Paul}, pages = {765-766}, language = {English} } @Misc{psy:gangnam, author = {Psy}, title = {Gangnam Style}, howpublished = {Video}, month = {July}, day = 15, year = 2012, note = {Retrieved August 22, 2014 from \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0}}, annote = {Video URL} } @PhdThesis{sutherland:sketchpad, author = {Ivan E. Sutherland}, title = {Sketchpad, a Man-Machine Graphical Communication System}, school = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, year = 1963, address = {Cambridge, MA}, } @InBook{winner:politics, author = {Langdon Winner}, title = {The Social Shaping of Technology}, chapter = {Do artifacts have politics?}, publisher = {Open University Press}, year = 1999, address = {UK}, edition = {2nd}, pages = {28--40}, }