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cpp_standard_headers_indexer.cpp 9.2KB

  1. /*
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  38. * Contributor(s):
  39. */
  40. // List of standard headers was taken in
  41. #include <cstdlib> // General purpose utilities: program control, dynamic memory allocation, random numbers, sort and search
  42. #include <csignal> // Functions and macro constants for signal management
  43. #include <csetjmp> // Macro (and function) that saves (and jumps) to an execution context
  44. #include <cstdarg> // Handling of variable length argument lists
  45. #include <typeinfo> // Runtime type information utilities
  46. #include <bitset> // std::bitset class template
  47. #include <functional> // Function objects, designed for use with the standard algorithms
  48. #include <utility> // Various utility components
  49. #include <ctime> // C-style time/date utilites
  50. #include <cstddef> // typedefs for types such as size_t, NULL and others
  51. #include <new> // Low-level memory management utilities
  52. #include <memory> // Higher level memory management utilities
  53. #include <climits> // limits of integral types
  54. #include <cfloat> // limits of float types
  55. #include <limits> // standardized way to query properties of arithmetic types
  56. #include <exception> // Exception handling utilities
  57. #include <stdexcept> // Standard exception objects
  58. #include <cassert> // Conditionally compiled macro that compares its argument to zero
  59. #include <cerrno> // Macro containing the last error number
  60. #include <cctype> // functions to determine the type contained in character data
  61. #include <cwctype> // functions for determining the type of wide character data
  62. #include <cstring> // various narrow character string handling functions
  63. #include <cwchar> // various wide and multibyte string handling functions
  64. #include <string> // std::basic_string class template
  65. #include <vector> // std::vector container
  66. #include <deque> // std::deque container
  67. #include <list> // std::list container
  68. #include <set> // std::set and std::multiset associative containers
  69. #include <map> // std::map and std::multimap associative containers
  70. #include <stack> // std::stack container adaptor
  71. #include <queue> // std::queue and std::priority_queue container adaptors
  72. #include <algorithm> // Algorithms that operate on containers
  73. #include <iterator> // Container iterators
  74. #include <cmath> // Common mathematics functions
  75. #include <complex> // Complex number type
  76. #include <valarray> // Class for representing and manipulating arrays of values
  77. #include <numeric> // Numeric operations on values in containers
  78. #include <iosfwd> // forward declarations of all classes in the input/output library
  79. #include <ios> // std::ios_base class, std::basic_ios class template and several typedefs
  80. #include <istream> // std::basic_istream class template and several typedefs
  81. #include <ostream> // std::basic_ostream, std::basic_iostream class templates and several typedefs
  82. #include <iostream> // several standard stream objects
  83. #include <fstream> // std::basic_fstream, std::basic_ifstream, std::basic_ofstream class templates and several typedefs
  84. #include <sstream> // std::basic_stringstream, std::basic_istringstream, std::basic_ostringstream class templates and several typedefs
  85. #include <strstream> // std::strstream, std::istrstream, std::ostrstream(deprecated)
  86. #include <iomanip> // Helper functions to control the format or input and output
  87. #include <streambuf> // std::basic_streambuf class template
  88. #include <cstdio> // C-style input-output functions
  89. #include <locale> // Localization utilities
  90. #include <clocale> // C localization utilities
  91. #include <ciso646> // empty header. The macros that appear in iso646.h in C are keywords in C++
  92. #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
  93. #include <typeindex> // (since C++11) std::type_index
  94. #include <type_traits> // (since C++11) Compile-time type information
  95. #include <chrono> // (since C++11) C++ time utilites
  96. #include <initializer_list> // (since C++11) std::initializer_list class template
  97. #include <tuple> // (since C++11) std::tuple class template
  98. #include <scoped_allocator> // (since C++11) Nested allocator class
  99. #include <cstdint> // (since C++11) fixed-size types and limits of other types
  100. #include <cinttypes> // (since C++11) formatting macros , intmax_t and uintmax_t math and conversions
  101. #include <system_error> // (since C++11) defines std::error_code, a platform-dependent error code
  102. #include <cuchar> // (since C++11) C-style Unicode character conversion functions
  103. #include <array> // (since C++11) std::array container
  104. #include <forward_list> // (since C++11) std::forward_list container
  105. #include <unordered_set> // (since C++11) std::unordered_set and std::unordered_multiset unordered associative containers
  106. #include <unordered_map> // (since C++11) std::unordered_map and std::unordered_multimap unordered associative containers
  107. #include <random> // (since C++11) Random number generators and distributions
  108. #include <ratio> // (since C++11) Compile-time rational arithmetic
  109. #include <cfenv> // (since C++11) Floating-point environment access functions
  110. #include <codecvt> // (since C++11) Unicode conversion facilities
  111. #include <regex> // (since C++11) Classes, algorithms and iterators to support regular expression processing
  112. #include <atomic> // (since C++11) Atomic operations library
  113. #include <ccomplex> // (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) simply includes the header <complex>
  114. #include <ctgmath> // (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) simply includes the headers <ccomplex> (until C++17)<complex> (since C++17) and <cmath>: the overloads equivalent to the contents of the C header tgmath.h are already provided by those headers
  115. #include <cstdalign> // (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) defines one compatibility macro constant
  116. #include <cstdbool> // (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) defines one compatibility macro constant
  117. #include <thread> // (since C++11) std::thread class and supporting functions
  118. #include <mutex> // (since C++11) mutual exclusion primitives
  119. #include <future> // (since C++11) primitives for asynchronous computations
  120. #include <condition_variable> // (since C++11) thread waiting conditions
  121. #endif
  122. #if __cplusplus >= 201300L
  123. #include <shared_mutex> // (since C++14) shared mutual exclusion primitives
  124. #endif
  125. #if __cplusplus >= 201500L
  126. #include <any> // (since C++17) std::any class template
  127. #include <optional> // (since C++17) std::optional class template
  128. #include <variant> // (since C++17) std::variant class template
  129. #include <memory_resource> // (since C++17) Polymorphic allocators and memory resources
  130. #include <string_view> // (since C++17) std::basic_string_view class template
  131. #include <execution> // (since C++17) Predefined execution policies for parallel versions of the algorithms
  132. #include <filesystem> // (since C++17) std::path class and supporting functions
  133. #endif